Reflex Action


What are reflex action? What is reflex action when not present in our body? Do they involve any conscious control of our brain or not?
If you want to know as if what is reflex action then we can simply illustrate it by examining what goes on when you touch a hot stove and immediately pull your hand away. You must also have experience a sudden withdrawal of a body part which come in contact with object that are extremely cold or pointed. the same thing can also be experience when you encounter an animal that is scary or poisonous. In search above cited cited examples, one thing is, and what is that? The common thing is that stimuli in all above mentioned example a sudden and unpredictable and may harm in organism by burning, pinching or biting it. So to escape from the sudden, unpredictable harms of these stimuli, a body has also develop a mechanism of very rapid automatic, short live response. The entire process of response to a peripheral nerve stimulation that occurs involuntary that is without conscious effort thought and requires the involvement of a part of a central neural system is called reflex action. or we can say that reflex action are very rapid automatic, stereotyped behaviour or responses in which same kind of stimulus evokes short live response. 


Which structures in our body participate in the reflex action? This question can be answered by studying the reflex pathway for reflex arc. In a particular withdrawal reflex discuss above the following actions carried out:
1. The stimulus is detected by sensory receptor present in the skin.
2.these initiate nerve impulses in the sensory or afferent neurons leading from them to the spinal cord.
3.these impulses enter the spinal cord and initiate impulse in one or more interneurons.
4.inter neurones initiate the impulses in one or more motor or efferent neurones.
5.the motor neurones then carry impulses to the effector or skeletal muscles in which response will be shown. 


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